His Keys To Success: Treat People Right And Control Disposal Costs

Treating customers and employees right and building an efficient plan for disposal put Wisconsin pumper Mike Oberg in a position to succeed.
His Keys To Success: Treat People Right And Control Disposal Costs
The crew at Mike’s Septic Service includes, from left, Spencer Oberg, Heather Oberg, Mike Oberg, Steve Nobbe, Ike Roberts and Julie LaRiviere. The Kenworth vacuum truck fleet is shown in the background, built out by Imperial Industries and Central Wisconsin Body and Hoist. (Photos by Cory Dellenbach)

After more than two decades in the pumping business, Mike Oberg relies on a simple principle he started out with: Treat your customers and employees well, and remember the two are inextricably connected to one another.

Running a successful small business is just that simple...

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