A health department official explains the history and reporting requirements for self-inspections allowed in a number of Washington State counties
With many changes in regulations and new clients emerging every day, pumpers and installers take on the role of education ambassador
Countless conferences with educators Jim Converse and Jerry Tyler instilled a passion for the industry in so many onsite professionals
Many new convenience products contain polyvinyl wrapping and super-absorbent sodium polyacrylate that may have a detrimental onsite impact
Elevate your growth game with a free training session on Zoom led by industry experts
Relative industry newcomer Brett Gaudry wants to bring septic system rules from other Canadian provinces to raise the standards of wastewater treatment
There are many advantages to gravelless systems, but they need to be installed with care
When a local child nearly fell into a septic tank, Illinois pumper Cary Zeschke began reaching out to identify septic tank dangers
Strategic pumping of effluent along the treatment train will improve downstream flows
Education and “utility style” regulation of septic systems are needed for Canadian wastewater pros to avoid this scenario