Combination Sewer Cleaner Purchase Keeps Pumping Business Thriving

Combination Sewer Cleaner Purchase Keeps Pumping Business Thriving
Grease Masters owners Pam and John Remstedt purchased a 2013 Vac-Con 1300 LHA combination sewer cleaner built on a Freightliner chassis at this year’s Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo.

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Last month, St. Louis-based Grease Masters posted a photo of the brand new vacuum truck they picked up at this year’s Pumper & Cleaner Environmental Expo International in Indianapolis. Owners Pam and John Remstedt founded the company in 2006, and gross sales have increased every year. 

The 2013 Vac-Con 1300 LHA combination sewer cleaner built on a Freightliner chassis includes a 1,300-gallon water tank, a front-mounted hose reel and a 10-foot aluminum telescoping boom with pendant control station. A Giant Industries water pump delivers 80 gpm/2,000 psi. 

The purchase is proof that the company is thriving, so we caught up with co-owner Pam Remstedt to see what makes the business successful and how they continue to prosper.   

Pam says investing in a large piece of equipment like a new combination sewer truck is not something to be taken lightly. “So many factors come into play when making a large purchasing decision,” she says. She suggests answering these questions when considering a purchase: 

  • How great is your need for the new piece of equipment?
  • Can you get financing?
  • If you get financing, will you be able to bite off such a large chunk of the budget?
  • How much will the upkeep of the unit cost?
  • If you have problems, will you be able to get service after the sale? 

The Remstedts purchased the combo unit because of a pending contract with a local sewer district. “We had an immediate need for this piece of equipment and nowhere else to turn to except the Pumper & Cleaner Expo,” Pam says. The Expo was in February and they needed the truck to begin service in March. 

Before making the purchase, they spoke with several manufacturers and determined their financing options. And an unexpected meeting with a septic service contractor provided the motivation they needed to pull the trigger. 

“We had just about given up hope of finding a unit for our immediate needs, when we met a guy at one of the hotels during the Expo who owned five combo units,” Pam says. “He spoke so highly of the Vac-Con units and everyone associated with the company that we had to give them a closer look. We met up with everyone from Vac-Con the next day at the Expo, and immediately all the puzzle pieces fell into place.” 

And chance meetings that generate close, personal relationships aren’t something new for the Remstedts. Pam says meeting different people in this industry is what she likes most about her job, so she makes a point to reach out to others. “Everyone has a story and one is more interesting than the other,” she says. “We always have one thing in common with everyone we meet; the fantastic ride and everyday challenges of running a small business. We will always share one similar goal, and that is to get a job done and get it done right.” 

With the puzzle pieces in place, the Remstedts have been able to get to work on the sewer district contract. And with an efficient truck keeping the business in order, they’ve been able to enjoy life outside of the office. “We relax at the speed of light,” Pam says. “We enjoy life to the fullest.” 

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