Thanksgiving – Not a Day of Rest For Septic Systems

Have you been called out for a holiday septic disaster?

Folks across America will be taking Thursday off to gather with friends and family to devour a giant bird, relax in front of the big screen TV to watch football … and give the septic tank a good workout. That’s right; while we’re all calling this a day of rest, your customers’ septic systems are dealing with the increased load from frequent toilet flushes and lots of water going down the kitchen sink.

The Lake City Reporter, in Lake City, Fla., gave a timely reminder of the plumbing woes that can plague septic service contractors on Thanksgiving. Check out this story, which featured comments from a representative of Ford’s Septic Tank Service, as well as other local plumbers:

The newspaper provides a good public service by warning readers about the stress cooking grease and increased water usage can put on a septic system or sewer line. It also points out that Thanksgiving can be a busy workday for plumbers who are called to provide emergency service. The story left me with two questions for the pumping community. 

  1. Do you have any stories about being called out on Thanksgiving? What major calamities have you faced, and did they prevent you from having a nice holiday dinner with the family?
  2. Have you found a way to share tips with customers on not overtaxing older septic systems over a busy holiday? If so, what suggestions have you made? Maybe your advice will help a fellow pumper enjoy a quiet holiday.

I’d like to hear from you. Drop me a line at or respond directly to this blog post below.



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