When Protesters “Occupy’’ a Downtown Location, Portable Restrooms Follow

Have you been contacted to place restrooms at these demonstrations?

The Occupy Wall Street protesters, railing against what they see as the greed of Corporate America, might actually be generating a little income for small business and the little guy. Regardless of how you feel about this movement, the protesters gathering in more than 1,000 cities worldwide are apparently creating a big opportunity for portable restroom contractors.

So say a variety of media outlets. The Christian Science Monitor reported today that organizers of 600-800 protesters camping in Los Angeles have ordered portable restrooms to address the biggest issue of the fledgling movement: sanitation. A blog from the magazine Scientific American today posted a portable restroom calculator it took from a restroom contractor’s website, and explained what would be needed to satisfy the sanitation needs of 5,000 protesters setting up in a park.

The Scientific American blog had an answer for restaurant owners complaining about protesters using their bathrooms in one city. “An entire portapotty industry exists to solve problems like this,’’ the blogger writes. “Turns out you can solve that problem cleanly – no kidding – with 50 portapotties or so. Throw in a couple of hand sanitizer stations because that’s just polite.’’

So have you been contacted by a city or a protest group to set up restrooms for local Occupy demonstrations? We’d like to know if these protests have provided an economic shot in the arm for restroom contractors. Drop me a line and explain at editor@pumper.com.





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