A Dead Chicken in the Septic Tank?

Urban myth septic tank maintenance idea seems to be dying off

In answering a question about recommended septic tank pumping frequency, the editors at Popular Mechanics magazine have said a wives’ tale about using dead chickens to increase bacterial action in septic tanks is waning. The magazine reported that it used to get frequent letters from readers wanting to know if dumping a chicken carcass in the tank would eliminate the need for pumping.

“There are still people who fervently believe in the chicken hypothesis, swearing that they haven't had to pump their tank in years, if ever,’’ an editor said. “Really, all that these people are doing is contributing to groundwater pollution by sending bacteria-laden filth out of an over-burdened tank into the system's leaching field. I'm thankful that interest in the technique seems to be dying off.’’

The magazine went on to recommend annual septic tank inspections and pumping every three to five years. It also recommended seeking the advice of a trustworthy service provider.

So, what’s the strangest question you’ve been asked about septic system maintenance? How many times have you heard the chicken story?



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